Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DIY Printing French script on fabric

Having grown up in a European society and spending summers abroad, I'm a crazed Francophile!!

I've wanted to try and do this and it only took me 2 months. And when the boys went to bed and the dishes were washed, washing machine was empty and the floors were moped and living room vacuumed I gave this a go. 3 weeks ago I decided to remain a present mother to my boys and not get distracted by projects around the house. I will share w/ you when ever possible or when something truly has brought me joy and if what I share inspires you as you all have inspired me; I am a happy blogger! =)

So here's what I did;

1. Went to The Graphics Fairy picked a bunch of ephemera's and pictures that I couldn't live w/ out, specially since I'm working on this dresser for the basement (it will serve as a "throw all" organizer). It's cold outside and my nose and finger tips hurt working on that dresser but I have to have it done by Xmas... It's a personal goal is all =)

2. I cut the fabric to cover a plain piece of paper

3. I used Green Frog painters tape to secure it on the paper and that tape is much easier to remove from the fabric w/ out having to force it off and touch the ink. I did this to Burlap and white twill for aging and framing on the dresser turned buffet.

4. I placed it in the printer and pressed print

5. VOILA!! c'est fini =)

Here's where it ended up going

The Graphics Fairy uses Citra-solv Natural Cleaner & Degreaser to transfer the design over to fabric. That I will try in a couple of weeks and I'll let you know how bad the stench is... LOL

**BTW, forgive the carpet, but it's cold here in Michigan and projecting on it keeps me warm =)


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