Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feliz Navidad y un arbol

That is Merry Christmas and a tree in Spanish. 

I had so many ideas swirling in my head for the last 2 months. After all that planning and plotting this year the boys decided what the Christmas tree would look like and my 5 yr. old Jacob went w/ a fir tree and by the way, I will never ever ever buy an ever green tree again. He picked it well, it's soft and leaves very little needles around. It is tall and skinny standing at 7ft tall and just as gorge as ever =)

Since Jacob picked the tree, Nelson got to pick out ornaments. He went w/ SILVER this year. I think he choose well. There are SILVER snowflakes, disco balls (all sizes), chandelier crystals that we found at a sale and wired them, Crystals from the Hob Lob (2 for $1).

And for a bit of color; I added burlap swags all around the tree LOL. I love all the glitter on our tree, it is so beautiful and regal. Too bad the pictures don't do it justice.

I had to show you this blurry shot because I still see the beauty in it...

Here are some of our ornaments. Have you seen anything else out there that would make our tree radiant? =)

Sorry about the blurry pic of the tree. The Canon Pro is on it's way! =)The boys keep running into ornaments that "need" to be placed on the tree so we keep we continued to add more ornaments about once or twice a week. Once things slow down next week, I'll post some updated pictures.

PS: did you notice the burlap mess I have as a tree skirt? LOL I decided to wait for after Christmas sales then spend $30-$50 for the tree skirt that I want. Maybe I'll score and get it for $10 =)


Thank you for visiting!!

Show me some love and follow me, I'd love to have you along for the journey =)


  1. Where did you find the silver snowflakes? I NEED those! I love your tree, the more sparkle the better, right?!

  2. Thank your for peeking in =)
    I'm not blogging as much anymore, but I would love to have you follow me and give me suggestions and tips... You know, every girl needs a little push here and there =)
    BTW, I'm follow two of your sites because your tree made me berry happy LOL

  3. Oh, and you can get the snow flakes at Hob Lob for 12 for $5.99 on sale and your 40% off coupon! Go get 'em =)

  4. I like all of the sparkle! I like the way you let the boys participate too and keep adding ornaments - I'm sure they'll have those memories for many years to come.

  5. Those disco balls are killa! You guys did good on the ze tree. I will see it tomorrow I'm sure :) La ya.


  6. Debbie, I can't wait for us to 'project' it tomorrow =)
    La ya too sista!

  7. Your tree is beautiful! Love the way it glistens and shines!
    I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Your boys did a great job picking out the tree and decorations. Everything is just beautiful. I appreciate you sharing this at my party and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.

  9. Tammy- Thank you for showing your love =)
    I'm absolutely following you, your page is gorge and I love your little boys room. That has inspired me to get started on my boys rooms right after the holiday's. Thanks!

    Sherry- Now that my boys are 11 and 5, it was so much fun to watch them pick out the tree, compromise and get the decorations in order. My little blessings bring me joy! =)

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!

  10. Ha! If anyone has a burlap mess for a tree skirt, it would be me. I thinks it's great that your boys picked out the ornaments and the tree. I'm sure it was great fun for them.

    Thanks for joining the "Tour of Homes" party! Happy holidays!



I lub your comments! They truly make my day. The good, the bad, the ugly. I will not delete any. Although, suggestions, tips and words of encouragements are my fave! Keep stopping by =D

BTW, I'm a working mom so I'm readily on line, but I DO read every comment and will comment back =D