Friday, November 2, 2012

Houzz Dreams---- zzzzz

I'm addicted to Houzz! I see so much beauty in there.

I added these to my idea book this week. Lourve them!

Choco-laty delicious!

What a great idea for my 7 yr. old to have a homework space in his room. Hmmm.

Grey. I'll always like you.

Floating Night Stands. Can't believe I still haven't made those AGH

DIY Headboard. How genius is that?!
Please, let me know if you recreate it.

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I lub your comments! They truly make my day. The good, the bad, the ugly. I will not delete any. Although, suggestions, tips and words of encouragements are my fave! Keep stopping by =D

BTW, I'm a working mom so I'm readily on line, but I DO read every comment and will comment back =D