Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ikea Wish List

Oh my I'm so excited about my trip to Ikea in 2 more months... I wanted to share this years Ikea wish list.

Ektorp Ikea Couch
Ektorp w/ chaise
This one in WHITE sofa goes for $399. The sofa w/ chaise $499. YAY!! That is so do-able. I can't wait to bring that home.

Then, I was thinking about a red pedestal round side table like this one from Crate and Barrel if I go w/ the sofa. Although it's beautiful I really want to avoid RED for the next year or so... I'm a bit burned out by RED everywhere =D

So, since the red won't work right now, I'm leaning towards the obvious black or...sofa table behind the couch for a lamp and accents.

 Hemnes Sofa Table

I'm thinking that the sofa w/ chaise is the best solution, but the sofa table will cost me an additional $169. Does anyone know if Ikea has coupons? LOL

These I'll scoop up because I will be reupholstering w/ them.

Bleached Merete 2 curtain panels
I have those in my living room and bedroom and I have to say... that I absolutely love them. They are heavy but yet they still let some glow in.

This is my shortest Ikea wish list ever. But then I have so save some mula for HomeGoods =D


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  1. Have to say I love the white sofa! I'm dying for one but am still unsure how it will look with three boys on it :o)

    Those curtains with the big grommet holes - I bought a set while I thought about whether they would be the "right" fit for our space and after a finally deciding they were just right, they don't have any more and don't know if they will get any more in! I'm bummed!

  2. Oh, and I'm following too!


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