Thursday, November 11, 2010

Roomba your room'das

I've had many ask about the Roomba and what I thought of it. The price, the good, the bad and ugly of the Roomba.

How I came about getting it was not w/ out its bit of drama, I got the Roomba brand new at GW for $3. Brought it home, let it sit in storage for about 6 months while the basement was being dry walled, bathroom build and the basement was getting entirely re-wired. Once the dust settled, I dug it out. Broke the seal on the box, charged it and waited. 2 days later when I went to press "clean" nada. BOOOO Total and complete disappointment.

The conundrum was; keep or throw it out. I decided to keep it and give the company a call.
After 10 mins on the line w/ Roomba's customer service, I was told that I would be getting a new unit w/ in a few days. I thought "WHAT?! REALLY?!" They even told me to keep the original one, they did want me to mail it back to them... Oh my! at that moment I hearted Roomba!

It's a bit on the loud side and it's now our routine to "set it and forget it" on our way out the door that way it's not running into us. I don't think it should be your only source of carpet cleaning because it's not quiet as strong as the "bagless" vacuum but I'm still excited that we got it. YAY!!

Watch Roomba go, go, GO!

We've been using it for the last 3 months and we're happy w/ it. I try to empty out the tray after every use.

I will post a vid of how I get that done, so stay tuned ;)

PS: I promise not to talk so much on the next vid LOL

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  1. I have a Rumba too and we named her I've had 'her' for a year now and she keeps chugging along. It does an amazing job especially around the edges of a room.

  2. Thanks for commenting, I als love my Roomba!!


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