Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy Month... 'Tis what I've been up to

A side from working on little projects here and there, this chair is taking up all my concentration. Finding the perfect fabric for it has proven to be more challenging then I anticipated. I've looked at so much fabric in the last couple of months and yet I love them all! Oh which to choose from??? I've started working outside of the house again. Bummer yet, goodies! Gotta stack up the chips for Thanksgiving & Christmas. So many plans, wants and needs and so little money... AGH!!

Project chair I got from Cheri... we couldn't resist so, we started stripping it right away! It is old, dusty and beautiful!! I wish you could see and touch it. Oh, how I love this chair and can't wait to dress her up. THANK YOU Mrs. Cheri =)

There's Cheri undressing my chair... 

Hmmm, I liked this at first, but NO! 

I'm hoping to have this done by Thanksgiving... so cross your fingers for me!

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