Saturday, April 17, 2010

What's in "your" purse? =)

I was out to dinner w/ my girl friends and I was curious at all the stuff we were all pulling out of our bags and how fascinated we all are by what bag we strap over our shoulders. I rarely buy "new" anything except for shoes. I'll confess; the majority of my great bags are from GW.

So, here's a peek inside one of my many bags...

I found this great little coach bag for .30 cents (if you live in Michigan, contact me and I'll let you in on where to find GW left overs for .30 cents =)  )

So, what's in your bag?

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I lub your comments! They truly make my day. The good, the bad, the ugly. I will not delete any. Although, suggestions, tips and words of encouragements are my fave! Keep stopping by =D

BTW, I'm a working mom so I'm readily on line, but I DO read every comment and will comment back =D