Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Using Jute,,, Ah so simple

This is my first using jute and I'm not done yet =) I have so many other things to "jute" yet.

Here's a shot with out the flash. It looks so awsome in 'real' life with the soft glow of the candles.

My son had a great idea; dress up a can for his pencils and markers for the desk (he's always thinking green).

Decorative balls can run anywhere from 1.99 to 6.99 each, here is my version of decorative balls. Jute!

What I used; glue gun, jute $1.00 and 5 balls $1.00, all from the dollar store.


How do you use jute?

1 comment:

  1. I love the glow of the candles and the way the jute looks. Good idea!
    I have some jute but haven't decided what I'll do w/it. You've inspired me though!
    I'll be following to see more.
    Thanks for coming by!



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