Monday, March 15, 2010

Bargain Treasures

Here are some of my great finds through out the last couple of weeks... Okay, okay, okay I'm getting a little ahead of my self getting nick knacks since the basement is not completed yet, but I consider these thing earrings or rings to my space.

The clock was $20; HomeGoods

Finials... $4 each; Hob Lob WOW!!

Glass Apothecary Jar $18; Hob Lob

The ULTIMATE find!

Brand new factory sealed 32' LCD, 720p w/ DVD under $100; gotta love Goodwill!! =) Notice the medium Apothecary Jar $6.00; HG

All the pieces to my vision are coming together for a Bargain!

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I lub your comments! They truly make my day. The good, the bad, the ugly. I will not delete any. Although, suggestions, tips and words of encouragements are my fave! Keep stopping by =D

BTW, I'm a working mom so I'm readily on line, but I DO read every comment and will comment back =D